Comments on: Compact and Portable Telescopic Folding Stool Inspiring & Desirable Products To Your Door! Fri, 11 Feb 2022 02:51:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kyle Kennedy Wed, 25 Aug 2021 00:17:03 +0000 Compact, sturdy and useable, the only downside I had was to get my husband to collapse it down as I didn’t have enough strength in my thumbs to do it. Highly recommended.

By: Kristy Fields Fri, 06 Aug 2021 00:10:09 +0000 Love this product! Can use it everywhere including when I’m playing golf waiting for the others. In the morning when I’m out hunting etc. I even used it during ice fishing instead of sitting down. Extremely useful for me, thank you so much! No regrets on my part at all.

By: Bradford Garner Thu, 01 Jul 2021 00:05:21 +0000 This unit is the right height for taller people with approximately 6″ of seat height adjustment. I bought this for my wife who has back and leg issues and cannot stand for more than a few minutes. She tried it out at home and felt it was comfortable. She’ll use it this weekend while with the grandchildren.

By: Cody Morris Thu, 29 Apr 2021 00:01:50 +0000 Great product if you have to wait in line and have a bad back. Design is very compact and lightweight so there is no additional burden to carrying this around all day. Folds out to a very sturdy monopod with the positive locking feature of each section very robust and capable of supporting your weight. The seat is not very self intuitive at first but, after a few tries, one gets the hang of it.

By: Jerald Grant Fri, 05 Feb 2021 00:55:16 +0000 This has been a good purchase, with restrictions lifting and families and friends reuniting again, this portable chair has been a great companion. I’m looking forward to using it even more during the summer months. My only gripe, which is not really a gripe, I wish it included a carrying pouch or something that could better keep the device compacted when not in use. As is, the seat material just flops all over the place when folded down.
